Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Way to Share Your "Minutes for Me"! Starts Today!

What is "Minutes for Me"?
It is when you take a few minutes for you, each day, even if it is only 5 minutes, to enjoy a moment or two. Remember the old saying: "Stop and Smell the Roses".  I call it "Minutes for Me"!

UPDATE:  Click here for the current Linky Party !

Share your Minutes for Me ideas here every week at my Linky Party.

Here's some ideas to get you thinking:
Share photos - I love photos as the photos say it all and you only have to write a few words. If it is something you like - share it.
I will suggest photos of quilts, sewing, crafts, and gardens, but your "Minutes for Me" may be something else. Share what makes you smile.
Make sure they are Rated G - for everyone or they will be deleted.
Make a special tea or coffee to enjoy each morning. Tell us about it. Maybe take a photo of the cup with the morning sun streaming in the room.
I love simple recipes. Give credit, if it is not yours.
Take a few photos of a new bloom, of a family member or friend that made you smile, or of your dog or cat. 
Take the photos and share it here. 
Share a craft with us - doesn't have to be a tutorial - just show us what you made. If it is not your own creation, share the creator's information.
Sew for a few minutes each day - take a few photos of the progress. Enjoy that you took a moment to sew!
Share a finished quilt. 
Share an un finished quilt.
Read a book or magazine - share your thoughts.

I could go on and on. This will be a hodgepodge of "Minutes for Me".  
What makes you happy a few minutes a day? 
Share that with us!

Start simple, with just a few photos and a few words to share with us. Title your post whatever you would like, but tell us somewhere in that post, that this is your "Minutes for Me". 
It does not have to be a new post. YES - You may share an old post, but make sure you add the link back to here, to the old post. Thanks!

Please include a link back to my blog in your post or in your sidebar.

Today, I am going to start with sharing a cup of tea on a rainy day.  I took photos of my lunch on a quilted table runner in front of a window.  I did not use the flash on the camera as I let the natural light do it's thing. (cloudy rainy day)  My "Minutes for Me" today was a beautiful lunch, (looks like a quilt) and a cup of tea.
I have a theory... if you make good foods look delicious, you will choose more good foods to eat and you won't crave the junk! 
I share photos of food that look like quilts on my other blog - Lunch Looks Like a Quilt to Me Blog. I will  include a link to a post from there today, for the linky party of how I created my Chunky Chicken Salad. It's a photo recipe.

 NOTE: African Violet just for photo - NOT edible!

See that was so simple... I made a colorful lunch, added a quilt for the background, picked a flower for a little more color, set it in front of a window, and took photos of it to share! That's my "Minutes for Me"!

Minutes for Me Sharing Linky Guidelines:

Please read these first:

1. Link your post URL and not your whole blog.  The URL is for your specific post.
2. Please display a visible link or my button in your post to this party or it will be deleted.
3. Be a follower of this blog, so you can link up every week,
4. Take a moment and visit some of the other participants. They are sharing their "Minutes for Me" also. You may find some new blogs to follow. I suggest at least clicking on the links just before your link and see what they are sharing for Minutes for Me.
5. No advertising or etsy links.
6. Don't link the same post that you posted the previous week. Share NEW Minutes for Me, but you can share an old post.
7. Party starts on Wednesday night and ends at 6am on Monday morning - Central Time. On Monday night, I will share a few featured "Minutes for Me" posts.
8. You may link 2 posts a week.

This is my Temporary "Minutes for Me Button" until I get a better idea. 
It is sized to 150X150 pixels for your sidebar or for in a post.  Right click and copy it and save on your computer.  Then on Blogger Blogs: Add it under Gadgets, as a Picture, with this link

Thanks for linking up and sharing your Minutes for Me,

Take time for you...  Marcia

Start sharing today!  
Thanks to all who joined in the fun!  The party is closed for linky, but you can link up to the next one on Wednesday night thru' the weekend each week and share your Minutes for Me!  You can visit any of the links below and see what everyone is doing to take time to smell the roses... Minutes for Me! Enjoy!

This linky list is now closed.


Snoodles said...

This looks like fun! And, can I come for lunch?! LOL It looks heavenly! Now I need to do a post . . . :)

Tootsie said...

girl...this looks like a really fun party!!! I will have to join next week. I already posted today...and I was a little sappy in my it isn't a smiley one!
I love this...thank you so much for inviting me!!!

Diann said...

Love the post Marcia! The food looks fabulous! And congrats on your new party! Mr. Linky did something funky to my picture, oh well! Thanks for hosting.

Miss Hillbilly said...

Ok, trying to get through blog reading tonight. I will get my blog written and linked up before bed, then tomorrow I will visit the others. Will you do it on Wed every week?