Monday, March 10, 2014

Getting Up Close with My Quilting - Ribbon Quilting with Whimsical Flowers

Overall Ribbon Quilting is the perfect choice for this quilt with a variety of Asian Prints. 

 The quilting flows across the quilt.

The whimsical flowers look great with all the fabrics.

I love how the wavy lines of the Ribbon Quilting soften the sharp lines of the blocks.

This is a quilt, I quilted in 2011 for one of my customers.  I am sorry I do not know the quilt pattern name.




Vroomans' Quilts said...

I love the look of the ribbon quilting and it does soften it up.

Linda said...

I like the ribbon quilting too but your flowers are wonderful too. So sweet. It goes perfect with the quilt.

Michele said...

It was the perfect design for this quilt. Nicely done.