Often, it is the opinion of the owner of the quilt. It is kind of like... "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". We all see things differently. I believe that's what makes quilting interesting every single day!
Scroll down and view the quilting selections for today and see what you think. The two fish quilts really give you a great example of two different background quilting fillers on the same quilt.
One of the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) I get is: Are they your quilts or customer's quilts? Today they are all my quilts. Over the past 8 years, I have practiced different styles of quilting on smaller quilts to experiment with quilting designs. So tell me what you like and don't like and why? I love comments ... that's how we share...

Enjoy your day! Marcia
All of your quilting is just amazing! You are such an artist with the thread.
My favorites are the pumpkin quilt (great movement) the fish scales, and the table runner below the fish. All is really nice, but, those really stand out.
I'm just stupified at how you make something come alive with your quilting! I love the way you use so many lines in your quilting, adding texture and depth. I LOVE the pumpkin quilt. Fall colors are my favorite for decorating my home. That would look just so durn good in my living room! Ha!
Love the post Marcia.
I really like the flip flop one. I am a Wantobe Quilter and I would love to win the quilting prizes. I am registered with Marcia's Crafty Sewing and Quilting. I follow both of you and I am now following the guest blogger Nan at Pots and Pins
Grandma J -- Did you post this comment on the Sew We Quilt Blog too.???? Have to do it there. Please send me a regular email -- I can't reply to your comment. marcia@craftysewing.com
I have to register you first.
Thanks Marcia
These are all so pretty...I really like the flip flop one the best. I don't know for sure what appeals to me, but it just seems so perfect. I guess the design reminds me of the sand, and the little tiny waves when the wave is receding. Oh, now I'm really wanting to go to the beach! LOL
Jacque in SC
They are all wonderful!!!
Love seeing that GrammaJ is inspired by you!!
I love looking at your quilting. Always beautiful
Oh my gosh, I absolutely love your fall runner with the pumpkins and the oval swirls. It's perfect!! They are all really great and inspiring, but that one really struck me.
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