I am compiling a list of things that I want to do in May ... but never have time to do. Here are my first 11 things. It is not one for everyday --- it's just stuff I think about, but never do! I'll share more later as I think of more things I want to do in May.
#1 Dance to at least one song every day! Today, I will start with this song --- Celebration! Take 2 1/2 minutes to play the song and get up and dance if it moves you to do so!
I will spend 2 minutes each day searching for a song. Then I'll dance to the song... If I think I don't have time, I'll make my bed, load the dishwasher, and fold towels and put them away while I dance!
#2 Quilt and thread paint my Tip Top Through the Tulips Quilt - Tonya's Quilt Along from last May.
#3 Sew something simple -- like pillowcases. I have some fabric I have set aside for them for about three years. I am finally going to take time to make them.
#4 Practice quilting some new quilting designs on plain white fabric with blue thread.
#5 Sip my coffee slowly and just breathe.... I may have to do this every morning, after I dance!
#6 Polish my toe nails. I need to remove the red polish and change it to blue!
#7 Buy Chocolate Milk - my husband will love this one!
Image from: http://greateatspectations.blogspot.com/2011/08/massachusetts-schools-are-giving.html
#8 Add fruit to my water and drink more water. This is a really good thing to do.
#9 Get an old recipe from my Mom and make it. Maybe her Cherry Coke Jello. She tops it with cool whip. I will take photos when I make it. My husband will love this too... mostly, because I am going to take time to cook a little!
#10 Make a few more fabric greeting cards.
#11 Call an old friend. Maybe even two old friends. I think about this often, but never do it! Yes --- it's an old rotary dial phone!
Photo from: http://www.wired.com/gadgets/wireless/magazine/test2007/mp_greatestgadget
What are you going to do during the May for Me Celebration?
Are you making a list? Or is the list still in your head?
Write it out... you might actually do some of them.
If you haven't linked up your blog at the May for Me Linky Party, do it now. Grab the May for Me Button and join in on the fun of taking time for you --- a few minutes a day! Write at least one post about taking time to play. If you have a list share your list.
It will change your life!
If you don't have a blog, just make your list and start having fun!
You are welcome to grab this photo and add it to your post about May for Me. Please make sure you link back to my blog so others can join in the fun too!
Take time to play - just for a few minutes each day!

Thoughts and photos shared by me ... Marcia. I am a professional modern freestyle long arm quilter and a fiber artist, a photographer, and a novice gardener. I love to create quilted items using old and new fabrics. I am also a mother, a daughter, a friend, a wife and a Grandmama! I am a blogger and I share it all here... Welcome!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Today is the Eve of the May for Me Celebration!
May for Me 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Naming the Green Donation Quilt - Please Vote and a Giveaway!
WOW ! Thanks for all the name suggestions for the Green Donation Quilt.
I typed them in as I replied to all the comments today. I added the ones from facebook and the ones my Mom emailed me from some of her friends. If you ever need to name a green quilt -- here is a listing!
Spring Greens
The Greens of Spring
Evergreen Swirls
Spring Swirls
Whispering Pines
Green Quilt
Green Donation Quilt
Spring Surprise
Blooming Evergreens
Spring in Wisconsin
Evergreen Spring
The End of Jealousy
Medley of Greens
Emerald City
Green Acres
Irish Countryside
Green Meadow
Leap Frog
Vegetarian Delight
Emerald Terraces
Hope Everlasting
Shades of Spring
Evergreen Candles
Greens of Spring
Seeing Green
Hope Springs Greenternial
Simply Greens
Gone Green
Moss on Cobblestones
The Green Goddess
Evergreen Quilt
Green with Envy
Green Olives
Salad Greens
Green Beans
Forever Green
Garden Greens
I looked up the definition of Green in Wikipedia to see what they say - click here. One of the things that I noted was that the color green is restful to the eye and they said studies show that a green environment can reduce fatigue. As a quilter, surrounded by colors all day long, I am always interested in reading about colors.
Thanks for helping me compile a list of green names.
Ok... so what should I name the Green Donation Quilt?
Please take a moment to vote!
You could win 1 yard of 108" wide quilter's blenders green fabric. That is 36" by 108" wide. It would make a great outside border and is perfect for a binding for any quilt! It's the green fabric I used for the backing, last border, and the binding. I carry this green on my website at Fabrics - 30 Extra Wide Fabrics.
I will be doing a random drawing from those who leave a vote...
Here as a comment
Or on my facebook page (see link in sidebar)
Or in a direct email to me - Marcia@craftysewing.com
Giveaway ends May 4th at Midnight and will be announced on the weekend. Yes - I will mail Internationally for the Giveaway!
Thanks for voting!
Enjoy all the greens around you...
Voting Question: Do you have to vote on the ones I listed? If you have a new one, can you comment and add it? YES --- please add to the list!
Green Donation Quilt
And the Winner is...
...Kris from Kris Loves Fabric Blog. Congrats Kris! Hop over and check out her blog.
Kris wins free quilting, free batting and free thread on a little quilt. Free quilting can be over all quilting or detailed free style quilting or thread painting/quilting -- Winner's choice!
Kris can choose to have a small wall hanging quilted, a place mat, a small table runner, or table topper, 4 mug rugs or any little quilt -- no larger than 20" by 20". Winner provides quilt top and quilt backing and shipping back and forth. I have contacted Kris by email.
Thanks to all who hopped over to see my table topper quilts and welcome new followers.
Thanks Madame Samm at Sew I Quilt! The Table Topper Blog Hop was so much fun... seeing everyone's beautiful table topper quilts!
You can click here for the list and still hop over and check out all of them.
I am participating in the Red, White, and Blue Blog Hop on July 1st. Madame Samm's friend, Jane is hosting the blog hop. The link in my sidebar will take you to Jane's Fabrics and Quilts. You can participate too!
Are you joining in on the fun of May for Me?
It will change your life!
Learn how to play 5 minutes a day and not feel guilty about it!
Enjoy your day!
Kris wins free quilting, free batting and free thread on a little quilt. Free quilting can be over all quilting or detailed free style quilting or thread painting/quilting -- Winner's choice!
Kris can choose to have a small wall hanging quilted, a place mat, a small table runner, or table topper, 4 mug rugs or any little quilt -- no larger than 20" by 20". Winner provides quilt top and quilt backing and shipping back and forth. I have contacted Kris by email.
Thanks to all who hopped over to see my table topper quilts and welcome new followers.
Thanks Madame Samm at Sew I Quilt! The Table Topper Blog Hop was so much fun... seeing everyone's beautiful table topper quilts!
You can click here for the list and still hop over and check out all of them.
I am participating in the Red, White, and Blue Blog Hop on July 1st. Madame Samm's friend, Jane is hosting the blog hop. The link in my sidebar will take you to Jane's Fabrics and Quilts. You can participate too!
Are you joining in on the fun of May for Me?
It will change your life!
Learn how to play 5 minutes a day and not feel guilty about it!
Enjoy your day!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
The Green Donation Quilt is Completed and Needs a Name!
I completed our donation quilt this morning. As I was stitching on the binding, I paused to enjoy the beautiful view of my evergreens in bloom. I am not sure if that is what you call it - "in bloom" - but the trees are sprouting out in this bright green color. Spring is Wisconsin is so refreshingly green!
Maybe that is why I love this quilt so much. It's the greens of spring!
I need some help naming the donation quilt. All I can think of is Blooming Evergreens.
I would love some name suggestions from you.
As you view the photos of the donation quilt, please help me think of a name.
I am so pleased with how it turned out. It brought tears to my eyes as I finished the last corner and then spread it out on the bed to take the photos. My Mom and I have been creating a donation quilt almost every year since 1997 in memory of my Dad, Dan Nordeen. We have since added in memory of Blanche Anderson, my sister-in-law's Mother. I think every year we enjoy it more than the last year. There is something very special about creating a quilt for a cause.
Here are some up close photos of the quilting and the embroidery stitched binding.
We created our courthouse round quilt with 40 assorted green fabrics. All 100% cotton fabrics.
We chose the bright green for the lattice and a multicolored green for the center square and the corner stones.
The last border, the binding, and the backing fabric is a green 108" Wide Quilter's Blenders. It was perfect to use an extra wide fabric as there are no seams in the long outside borders and only 4 seams in the binding.
I mailed it to my Mom's this afternoon and soon it will be on display at the The Fireside Dinner Theater in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. They will raffle it for their fundraising efforts for the Rainbow Hospice Care in Jefferson, Wisconsin.
My Mom and I have started to brainstorm some ideas for next year's quilt and colors. We would love your suggestions on colors too.
"Quilts for a Cause" are quilts that you create from your heart.
Take a moment to enjoy the colors around you!
There are a couple of the "Quilts for a Cause" currently on my blog and website - click on the titles and it will take you to the posts:
All the Posts about making this year's donation quilt 2012 Link includes this post.
Donation Quilt 2011 for Rainbow Hospice
Passage Quilt for Rainbow Hospice
Comfort Pillows for Rainbow Hospice
A Signature Quilt for Kathy
Relay for Life Quilt 2009
Hearts from all over the World Quilt
Relay for Life Quilt 2012 in Praire du Chein
Sharing this post at:
Linky Party at Our Delightful Home
Happy Quilting: TNT Thursday
Faith, Grace, and Crafts: Pearls and Lace Thursday
The Thrifty Groove: Thrifty Thing Friday
At The Picket Fence: Inspiration Friday
MyRepurposed Life: Catch as Catch Can Friday
TGIFF Thank Goodness it's Finished Fridays
Quilting in my Pyjamas: Favourite Things Friday
Crazy Mom Quilts: Finish it up Fridays
Amylouwho:Sew and Tell Fridays
Confessions of a Fabric Addict: Can I Get a Whoop Whoop?
Richard Quilts: Link a Finish Friday
I would love some name suggestions from you.
As you view the photos of the donation quilt, please help me think of a name.
I am so pleased with how it turned out. It brought tears to my eyes as I finished the last corner and then spread it out on the bed to take the photos. My Mom and I have been creating a donation quilt almost every year since 1997 in memory of my Dad, Dan Nordeen. We have since added in memory of Blanche Anderson, my sister-in-law's Mother. I think every year we enjoy it more than the last year. There is something very special about creating a quilt for a cause.
Here are some up close photos of the quilting and the embroidery stitched binding.
We chose the bright green for the lattice and a multicolored green for the center square and the corner stones.
The last border, the binding, and the backing fabric is a green 108" Wide Quilter's Blenders. It was perfect to use an extra wide fabric as there are no seams in the long outside borders and only 4 seams in the binding.
I mailed it to my Mom's this afternoon and soon it will be on display at the The Fireside Dinner Theater in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. They will raffle it for their fundraising efforts for the Rainbow Hospice Care in Jefferson, Wisconsin.
My Mom and I have started to brainstorm some ideas for next year's quilt and colors. We would love your suggestions on colors too.
"Quilts for a Cause" are quilts that you create from your heart.
Take a moment to enjoy the colors around you!
There are a couple of the "Quilts for a Cause" currently on my blog and website - click on the titles and it will take you to the posts:
All the Posts about making this year's donation quilt 2012 Link includes this post.
Donation Quilt 2011 for Rainbow Hospice
Passage Quilt for Rainbow Hospice
Comfort Pillows for Rainbow Hospice
A Signature Quilt for Kathy
Relay for Life Quilt 2009
Hearts from all over the World Quilt
Relay for Life Quilt 2012 in Praire du Chein
Sharing this post at:
Linky Party at Our Delightful Home
Happy Quilting: TNT Thursday
Faith, Grace, and Crafts: Pearls and Lace Thursday
The Thrifty Groove: Thrifty Thing Friday
At The Picket Fence: Inspiration Friday
MyRepurposed Life: Catch as Catch Can Friday
TGIFF Thank Goodness it's Finished Fridays
Quilting in my Pyjamas: Favourite Things Friday
Crazy Mom Quilts: Finish it up Fridays
Amylouwho:Sew and Tell Fridays
Confessions of a Fabric Addict: Can I Get a Whoop Whoop?
Richard Quilts: Link a Finish Friday
Green Donation Quilt
Minutes for Me Linky Party # 16 - Time to Share!
Minutes for Me Linky Party is a weekly party!
It starts every Thursday and runs for a whole week!
There will be a party open all the time! Each party will over lap, so every time you hop over to share a link to something you have created, there will be a party to share it at.
I am not going to do features, but I am going to "pin" your posts - which means I am going to feature your posts on my boards on Pinterest.

Also, I will "Tweet on Twitter" and share your post there too!
Follow @craftysewing
Check out the simple guidelines here about Minutes for Me Linky Party.
Don't forget the backlink to my blog and/or the Minutes for Me Button. So others can find this and share too!
You may share 2 to 3 posts a week!
If you have made it, created it, cooked it, drew it, painted it, quilted it, sewed it, or even grown it!
Share it here!
If you are NEW to Linky Parties and you need my help -- Email me directly with any questions. Marcia@craftysewing.com
If you have a problem and something does up load right -- Email and I will help you fix it!
Take time to share...
Minutes for Me Linky Party
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
The May for Me Celebration Starts in Less than One Week!
What is May for Me?
The simple answer is... Finding time for yourself, but not lots of time, just a little bit of time. It is about learning how to enjoy Minutes for Me every day! It will change your life!
Last year, Tonya and I came up with the idea. As corny as it sounded, it worked... It changed our lives. Now if I only get a few minutes of playing time a day, I fully appreciate it. It makes me happy. My only wish is that I would have learned how to do that years ago... but I didn't... so now I will enjoy every minute that I get to play!
What is the definition of play?
The simple answer is doing the things you enjoy. Play for me is enjoying time with my family and friends. Play is creating, sewing, quilting, taking photos of my quilting, food, and plants, and last but not least, blogging - sharing the things I love to do!
Do you want to participate in the May for Me Celebration?
It is one of the simplest things you will ever do and you will love it!
#1 Add your blog link to the May for Me Linky Party.
#2 Grab the May for Me Button and add it to your blog.
#3 In May, post at least one post about what makes you happy. What are the things you enjoy doing? Describe it and show us photos. After you post about it, link that post up to the Minutes for Me Linky Party.
You will find other blogger's links there too. Hop over and check out what others are sharing that make them happy.
Remember, May for Me is Rated G for all posts.
During the Month of May all four Host Blogs will post about what we love to do too and how we find time to do what we love. I call that Minutes for Me!
Tonya at Hillbilly Handiworks
I bought my plants at the greenhouse today. It is too cold in Wisconsin to plant them outside. We will enjoy them on our kitchen table for a few weeks! I enjoyed a few "Minutes for Me" taking close up photos of the strawberry blossoms and all of the plants.
Enjoying the new plants was the highlight of my day. It was not a good day, as I had to pay for a new tire, because I ran over something on Monday, on my way to the dentist. It was a 45 minute trip each way to go back and forth to pick up my car with the new tire. So, I took a few minutes to enjoy the plants by taking some cool photos. Love the tomato blossom.
It really made me smile and I needed that. Then I shared it with you... I hope it makes you smile too. If you want to see all the photos hop over to my Lunch Looks Like a Quilt Blog.
After you hop over, come back and link up your blog and grab the button and join the May for Me Celebration!
Take time to play for just a few minutes a day.
It will change your life! It did mine!
The simple answer is... Finding time for yourself, but not lots of time, just a little bit of time. It is about learning how to enjoy Minutes for Me every day! It will change your life!
Last year, Tonya and I came up with the idea. As corny as it sounded, it worked... It changed our lives. Now if I only get a few minutes of playing time a day, I fully appreciate it. It makes me happy. My only wish is that I would have learned how to do that years ago... but I didn't... so now I will enjoy every minute that I get to play!
What is the definition of play?
The simple answer is doing the things you enjoy. Play for me is enjoying time with my family and friends. Play is creating, sewing, quilting, taking photos of my quilting, food, and plants, and last but not least, blogging - sharing the things I love to do!
Do you want to participate in the May for Me Celebration?
It is one of the simplest things you will ever do and you will love it!
#1 Add your blog link to the May for Me Linky Party.
#2 Grab the May for Me Button and add it to your blog.
#3 In May, post at least one post about what makes you happy. What are the things you enjoy doing? Describe it and show us photos. After you post about it, link that post up to the Minutes for Me Linky Party.
You will find other blogger's links there too. Hop over and check out what others are sharing that make them happy.
Remember, May for Me is Rated G for all posts.
During the Month of May all four Host Blogs will post about what we love to do too and how we find time to do what we love. I call that Minutes for Me!
Tonya at Hillbilly Handiworks
There will be Giveaways and Prizes the whole month of May. You can play Bingo, if you linked up a Bingo Card by April 22nd. If you are not playing Bingo it will be fun to watch. And of course, many ideas on how to find time to play!
I bought my plants at the greenhouse today. It is too cold in Wisconsin to plant them outside. We will enjoy them on our kitchen table for a few weeks! I enjoyed a few "Minutes for Me" taking close up photos of the strawberry blossoms and all of the plants.
Enjoying the new plants was the highlight of my day. It was not a good day, as I had to pay for a new tire, because I ran over something on Monday, on my way to the dentist. It was a 45 minute trip each way to go back and forth to pick up my car with the new tire. So, I took a few minutes to enjoy the plants by taking some cool photos. Love the tomato blossom.
It really made me smile and I needed that. Then I shared it with you... I hope it makes you smile too. If you want to see all the photos hop over to my Lunch Looks Like a Quilt Blog.
After you hop over, come back and link up your blog and grab the button and join the May for Me Celebration!
Take time to play for just a few minutes a day.
It will change your life! It did mine!
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